Ini Edo Buys Genevieve Bag Chanel Lego Clutch that cost £5,370

On August 19th, 2013, last month, Genevieve Nnaji rocked a £5,370 Chanel Lego clutch to her friends wedding ceremony and we all thought she was the only actress with the clutch. Yesterday Ini Edo rocked the same clutch to the Miss Earth beauty pageant in Lagos. Now when you convert £5,370 to naira, you get N1,357,673.50.
Ini Edo Buys Genevieve Bag Chanel Lego Clutch that cost £5,370 Ini Edo Buys Genevieve Bag Chanel Lego Clutch that cost £5,370 Reviewed by Sharemez on 01:16:00 Rating: 5

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