Nigerian Military Gives Boko Haram a Run of their Life, 300 Killed

hmm, finally some good news, some would say it is political and why have they not acted since, but to be frank with you, I am happy as atleast 11 communities was reclaimed today, also, the military captured “five different types of armoured fighting vehicles, an anti-aircraft gun, about 50 cases of packed bombs and eight different types of machine guns, five rocket-propelled grenade, 49 boxes of various types and calibres of ammunition, as well as 300 motorcycles destroyed in the fighting.

Keep the good work.
Nigerian Military Gives Boko Haram a Run of their Life, 300 Killed Nigerian Military Gives Boko Haram a Run of their Life, 300 Killed Reviewed by Sharemez on 00:52:00 Rating: 5

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