How to Get Rid of Covetousness and Envy and learn to be happy

Most times, it is normal for us to want to have what our friend has, but becomes abnormal when we cannot let go of it. This feeling begins to hunt our mind making us depress most times. We may even feel unfulfilled not having such which may be from not having the promotion my friend got, not being able to buy that car my neighbor acquired, having thought like my friend is more successful than I am, all these breeds from covetousness and not being content with what we have, where we are and who we are.

The question though is how does one come out of this?

People face with this is as a result of a poor mindset or being unhappy from within, so we seek happiness from material objects that can fill temporarily our inner void. So, we see those affected always complaining about their life, job, family, spouse and so on, the problem is not actually them but a challenge with their attitudes. Most time, a lot of people think achieving more, making more money, becoming better in your career, getting that promotion would actually make them less envious of their friends and even family, but that has been proven wrong, because the joy derived from that is usually fleeting and for a time before they start looking for the next thing that is out of place. This makes it an unending circle.

To start getting rid of envy, one must understand that happiness is independent of one’s achievement and what one have, so as fulfillment, you get to understand that being happy and fulfilled from within would not only improve your quality of life, but also affect your health and relationship with others.  Those that have lived all their life just to achieved things not considering their health and other only end up discovering that such road never leads to joy and fulfillment, earning six figure never makes you more joyous, such happiness is only for a time, so stop living a life just to acquire stuffs, let your life be focus on helping people and fulfilling your God’s given visions.    
How to Get Rid of Covetousness and Envy and learn to be happy How to Get Rid of Covetousness and Envy and learn to be happy Reviewed by Sharemez on 04:57:00 Rating: 5

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