Things to know about Remita and its website integration for Webmaster

I came across this beautiful platform first from Nairaland, advertising for Users to integrate their payment gateway, first I clicked to check out the web site but did not register at that time because I never had the time. I later decided to give it a try after I discussed with a client about an ecommerce project of which he was so interested in Remita. He talked about how he loved the platform and how secured they could be. This document is about a review of Remita system, how to register, integrate, and payment flow from merchant to seller.

Registering with Remita Payment Gateway
 Well, unlike Voguepay, Simplepay that require a setup fee to start using their platform, it is absolutely free to register on, at least for now. They make love to do that later but for those of you reading this, you can test the system for FREE. To register, please visit to get started, you can register as an individual or as a company. After registration, you can login with your username, pin and password sent to you via your email.

Remita Payment Integration 

It quite easy to integrate online, you just have to visit their documentation center for developers and use the code sample provided to you. One beautiful thing about Remita is that customer gets directed to Interswitch directly from your website, so they may not know you are using Remita.

How you get paid through Remita

This is one of the important part of any merchant, Remita do not use any e-wallet system so payment are done directly to your bank account provided. Cute you can say, so perfect. Payment alert are received 1 -2 on receipt of transaction with interswitch.
Things to know about Remita and its website integration for Webmaster Things to know about Remita and its website integration for Webmaster Reviewed by Sharemez on 07:25:00 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. wen my customers pay,how do dey get what dey have payed for?


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