ClarkeGilbert Nugget: Overcoming Greed and Coveteousness to Bring Happiness

Here are some principles for you to ensure you get happy:

As we grow older, we let go of chastening and curbing bad attitudes which later catches up with us, being happy must be derived from within us and must start from us loving ourselves, others and letting go of the the toys we call things.

Things can never satisfies one soul as it is spiritual, the more you acquire, the more your mind raises the bar for you to get more, leaving us empty and agitated, piercing our heart with unnecessary grief which often time lead to cancerous evil, depression and sickness. Our wants and desire are insatiable and must definitely be treated with cautious as to what we really want and ought to do than what our body or emotion wants, maybe as a result to look trendy, acquire bigger gadget, all this only ends in depression and grief, do not waste your life to be happy when you finally arrive and get all you ever dreamth of.

A child always seem happy because the mind is not bugged down with too many wants and wants and needs, start training your mind to do without those craving and you would be perplex and see how easy it is to be happy.

You do not need anything to stay happy, all you need is your mind resetting to understand the place of things in your life. Covetousness mean an inordinate desire for more and more. Stay away from this and be happy.
ClarkeGilbert Nugget: Overcoming Greed and Coveteousness to Bring Happiness ClarkeGilbert Nugget: Overcoming Greed and Coveteousness to Bring Happiness Reviewed by Sharemez on 14:23:00 Rating: 5

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