How setting a Vision, Plan, Purpose Helps you Find your Purpose in Life

I decided writing about this after listening to a great prophet of God, Prophet T.B Joshua, it was an inspiring sermon, most especially, I was touched watching his past videos of how he started with virtually no resources, even more when I saw his first church building destroyed due to heavy rain down pour as it was done with wood and bamboo, put what kept him was his determination to make a change irrespective of challenging circumstances.

This what most people lack today, they are not willing to start small, they have confused vision for ambition. Most people only strive to make money and live a better life rather than striving for purpose and a clear vision. If all you desire in life is to make money, you may never find joy as you would find yourself drifting from one business to the other without a clear path. You see, when a business is not paying, you move to the next hoping to make mega cash, but the more you strive for that, the more success eludes you. True purpose come first understanding why you do what you do, if your entire motive is to make bucks of cash, you make not last in whatever you are doing.

Any plan a person is involved in, not for love but to make huge money would leave the person in grief and unfulfilled
 The first phase in finding your purpose is getting close to God, and following every instruction concerning God's word in the bible, failures refuse instructions and decide to do whatever please them. After this, the next important aspect is to deal with your Greed, as wanting more and clinging to material things would only leave you empty with the world behind you. Imagine someone that had a dream to just be able to have a good home, car, whatever, even if he manage to achieve this, he may soon be out of fashion as new trends come, it a pattern of life you cannot keep with, rather deal with the money factor and be contented, a contented person is not one that have everything had ever wanted, but one that have chose to be contented irrespective of life expectancies or things.

Having money out, the next issue is what can I do, or be involved in that reflects my life goal, for example, if you dream about becoming a lawyer, do not start worrying about businessmen that are  making so much money, focus in that line of career and then expand on it, to the extent the vision is so big, for example, becoming a lawyer, a barrister, a chamber of your own, a business store reflecting law and so on. Once you find what you want to do with your life, stick to it and be ready to do whatever it takes even when things are rough. When people say they do not have funds, I smile as God never left any man stranded, you need to start from the point you are, and expand from there and be consistent in your actions. Imagine a car starting a journey without a destination, it would end up driving till it runs out of fuel. That is what it is when we start our life without a definite purpose or plan for our life.

Having set a clear path, it is important for you to be willing to develop a staying power otherwise known as FOCUS. You must be willing to stay on the path you have chosen irrespective of whether it is favourable or not, no business is death, it is the person at the hem of affairs. Once you become consistent, people would build trust in you, as their trust grows, you begin to to start growing until you look back and see how far you have really traveled in life. A man following purpose is always fulfilled in life.  
How setting a Vision, Plan, Purpose Helps you Find your Purpose in Life How setting a Vision, Plan, Purpose Helps you Find your Purpose in Life Reviewed by Sharemez on 05:00:00 Rating: 5

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