Facebook, Google Adertisement Battle and Bloggers

Sorry fans for writing this article late, I actually traveled to settle some bills but I am back now, four years back, Google search engine algorithm was a little naive making it easy for bloggers to easily rank on first position. Today it is quite harder bringing in organic traffic from Google and other search engines. The dream of every blogger is to have a huge ton of traffic which some would never experience in their lifetime as bloggers. I remember one of my pet project in 2010/ 2011, Digitalized  Nigeria that I setup with a little knowledge of SEO, within a month I was receiving close to 10k daily traffic and making over $600 monthly from the site. Then, it was just unbelievable to manage such amount of traffic, got feedback from my fans and much more. In fact, it was lovely.

Since Google Search Algorithm is now much stronger, it is very difficult to get organic traffic, doing so need lots of work on the part of the blogger which includes writing quality articles, sharing post to friends, posting your stories on larger community and many more. As a result of the difficulties involved, most bloggers have taken to social media advertisement to drive in traffic to their site.

To actually start as a blogger this days without a large Facebook Fan Page, daily Google Adwords advertisement, it may be difficult to get genuine traffic to your blog as the internet is now saturated with bloggers. The route for new bloggers now include the following steps:

- Building a Facebook Fan Page with at least 40, 000 fans
- Setting up a Facebook Campaign advert for direct site visit
-  Setting up an advert for the site through Google Adwords
- Advertisement on other major community
- Setting up an auto-responder/ Newsletter system to say the least...

Following the above steps would sure see your blog increasing in traffic in no time, but the limiting factor here is finance. If you have the bucks, then you may have a big blog with traffic within a short period of time.
Facebook, Google Adertisement Battle and Bloggers Facebook, Google Adertisement Battle and Bloggers Reviewed by Sharemez on 10:22:00 Rating: 5

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