What is your Start-up Idea?

A start-up idea is an innovation created to help make the life of others better by solving a problem. Any Idea that lacks the capacity to help and accommodate others, proffer solution to a society can hardly grow online. You should understand that Facebook solve a simple problem of social connection amongst people and they are doing it well. Before I go on, see a list of start-up from some great founders:

Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder and Wikia cofounder
I turned 35 the year I founded Wikipedia.  38 the year I founded Wikia (now ranked #30).

Mark Pincus was 41 when he started Zynga.

Reid Hoffman was 36 when he founded LinkedIn.

Marc Benioff was 35 when he started Salesforce.

Robert Noyce started Intel at 41 with a 39 year old Gordon Moore.

Irwin Jacobs was 52 and Andrew Viterbi was 50 when they founded Qualcomm.

Pradeep Sindhu was 42 when he founded Juniper Networks.

Craig Newmark
, customer service rep & founder
Well, I started craigslist when I was 42...
Seun Founded Nairaland

The list is endless, but one thing is sure, they had an idea to build an online empire that would help other, when you begin your start-up idea, it may not be as you plan but give it some time to grow and you would be glad you did. Remember, the founder of Alibaba look for sponsorship without finding any until the idea started bearing fruit. Even those he called to co-partner with him said he should abandon the thought, what I am saying, if you believe in your idea, then grow it.

To get started with a start-up, do not try to think outside the box,  relax, look around you and the area you have strength the more, is it education, entertainment, journalism, business, motivation and think of how you can improve on that area. Wishing you success and please drop your comment if this really inspires you. If you have already started your start-up idea, share here.

Watch out for out for my next article, the Facebook Adertisement Battle and Bloggers
What is your Start-up Idea? What is your Start-up Idea? Reviewed by Sharemez on 11:27:00 Rating: 5

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