Foundation For a Profounding Properous Life

For everyone that has reached a level of maturity had not been left untouched by the many blows of Life, life is believed to be filled with so many ups and down, but is this believe really true? The answer is YES and NO. Yes because everything that happens to us start right there in our mind, you will not need to worry about a bigger house if you had not seen and love one, you would never worry about your level of riches if you have not seen a richer person, you would not worry about your car or wife if you have not accepted another better alternative, it is just you creating barsoing. You see it all about our choices. Things only happen to us if we have finally conceded to defeat in our life battles.

Today I intend sharing some insightful thought that would keep you wondering why you have not notice the things going on that you could have changed. Two persons had cancer, one got healed, the other died, they both face same challenge but different mind battle ground, one was more equipped spiritually, no person was born to be spiritually matured, we have to train and learn it in our course of Life. Let get started with the principles for today:

What you magnify in your life become you

How true is this statement, check your current problem affecting you as you read this, then pace back to your thought a few days back, you would discover that has been your thought so far. If you magnify sickness in your life, in no time you become sick, if you magnify problem in your life, in no time you face various problems, if you magnify poverty instead of riches, you find yourself struggling in almost everything you lay your hands to do. Who are the people you listen to, are they positive minded or mostly complainers, this explains your daily encoding. In Phillipians 4:7-14, Paul emphasizes why it is essential for us to pay attention to our thought and but caution to it. A thief only thinks he cannot have, he cannot have enough from what he has, society is evil so he vexes it evil on others to amass wealth.

What Do You Talk About Regularly

I get irritated by persons that spend all the day speaking about their problems and why they are the way they are. If you speak too much about your problem, it becomes bigger, rather speak of the change you need to see. This should not be a one day thing, start from the little problem you are having until it because an habit and a character

Your Mindset

If your thought pattern is always about things you do not have, you may be a materialistic, envious and coveteous person, this means you have to work hard on yourself by first trying to make do with what you have and be happy with it. Allow yourself to heal over time from this hideous evil and you would glad you do this. It may seem difficult at first but you sure need to practice this.

Also, if your meditation and thought is always about sickness in the near future, fear of the future, poverty or not having enough for the future, just let go and trust in the almighty God for a better future. To make it simple, focus on what you can do for today and let the plan and vision for tomorrow unfold themselve.

Have a blessed week.
Foundation For a Profounding Properous Life Foundation For a Profounding Properous Life Reviewed by Sharemez on 12:52:00 Rating: 5

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